Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The Gathering Storm - Climate Change

The Gathering Storm
Borne on an ill wind, our own
Confers no favor.

Braced Against the Storm                      Cards                         Fine Art Prints

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Our Existential Challenge

Our Existential Challenge

Though I consider myself first a citizen of the planet, I continue to believe that the precepts - first laid down by my own Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) ancestors and then adopted by the framers of the US Constitution - are the foundation of the last best hope for the planet. That is why I am a patriot.

Last night I listened to an interview with PJ O'Rourke on NH Public Radio who said that the baby boom generation had never faced the sort of challenges that previous generations had faced. It was - ironically - followed by a short piece related to climate change. I assert that the challenges of climate change are in fact the greatest existential challenge that we have ever faced; and, while the solution must be forged inter-generationally, the baby boom generation has the greatest obligation to act because we bear the greatest responsibility for the creation of the problem. Furthermore, halting the advance of climate change is hardest for us because we, naturally, have become more set in our ways. In short, we must lead the way and get out of the way at the same time . . .

Dusk Dims Not her Colors               Cards                Fine Art Prints